Tuesday, June 07, 2011

AM to PM trip? #1

Geen idee wat er precies gaande is, uitleg ontbreekt. Wat wel duidelijk is dat deze eerste report van een schijnbaar net begonnnen roadtrip goede tijden aanduidt, we hopen dat we de komende dagen nog meer reports van Syo in de inbox mogen ontvangen!

The Am to Pm roadtrip finally started at 15:45 when we left Daniel Tielkes' place. The earlier plan to leave at 11:30 didn't really happen.. Daniel Wedemeijer drove 14 hours straight from Montpellier Fise after winning highest air, Barry had to pick up the car, packed with Monster Energy, in Brussels… Where we are again today as I type this in the bar of the Ibis hotel where its just us ;)

We left Amsterdam in the pissing rain after we had another stop at SoulCylce to pick up some CameleonTubes for any unforeseen flatty's, and got Daniel sorted out with a new rearwheel.. Luckily i was smart enough to attach my shinpads to my toptube. With the weather being impossible to ride street or dirt, we headed for Somic skatepark close to Brussels. Normally Monday is a closed day, but the owners were sweet enough to let us ride for a private 2 hour session. Defenitely a park to remember and to check out! As soon as we got in, things got heated up quickly… Daniel Wedemeijer just back from Fise killed it on the first day of the trip with only 1 hour of sleep since yesterday morning.. he even attempted his first real flair, that means haul ass, all the way to flat and way to high… everyone survived the first session.

Desmond Barry and Daniel all got there lines dialed on the big miniramp, Syo ninja dropped from the subbox, fueled by some Monster Energy cans.

Boy did some tech street lines on the double bank set up, while Caine tried to capture all that shit rolling on Syo's cruiser skateboard. In the end everyone got some clips. The crew:
- Barry Kohne
- Daniel Wedemeijer
- Syo van Vliet (brought his camera and cruiser skateboard)
- Desmond Tessemaker
- Boy Janssen (brought his camera)
- Mark Vos
- Daniel Tielkes aka D-Money(filming and responsible for any tech problem)
- Caine Shaolin Ruiz (filming and surviving the longboard)

After sleeping we will head towards Lille and take what the day gives us.. Hopefully the weather will be nice, if not we will have a great time anyways.. The boys on the road, its great to know on the first day, this is going to be all week and the weekend... That's it for now..

By the way, First some beer before sleeping will get the crew fit for our next roadtrip day!